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June 2023 - Ready, Set, Go-live and New Forms


Farewell Ariba, Welcome Workday Financials!

As of June 13, 2023, AST has ceased all Ariba work. Those with incomplete tickets in our queues should have already been contacted with specific information about how to proceed with your requested payment, purchase, or reimbursement. We ask that you now submit your requests through our newly updated Payments and Procurement forms, where you will be able to provide Workday-appropriate information such as FDM values. Please note that we will place any new tickets on hold until we have access to Workday Financials on July 6.

Additionally, our updated HR/Payroll form launches on June 26 with the FDM accounting details.

Please direct any and all questions regarding FDM, cutover, and Workday Finance functions through our General Inquiry form (preferred) or by sending an email to teamcas@uw.edu. We will route your questions to the appropriate subject matter experts on our team. Please do not contact our team members directly.

What will AST be working on after go-live? Read on for more information about how our teams will be prioritizing tasks after go-live.


Husky wearing glasses and looking at a projected screen of AST website, showcasing the "Support for Finance Transformation" webpage.

Check out what's new on our website!

We've created a new set of resources to help you and your unit navigate the transition to Workday Financials, including a playground where you can practice using FDM driver worktags, and FAQs. These can all be found on our Support for Finance Transformation page.  

We launched new and updated intake forms to support requests in the business areas we now support as a Shared Environment. These include Accounts Receivable contracts and invoices, and Grants Reporting and Accounting. Our updated forms now capture information that is required in Workday Financials, such as the FDM accounting details. Our forms and new service areas are linked from the AST homepage.

We've also published several workflows to provide additional insight into the ins and outs of common business processes AST helps manage including:


Payments and Procurement transaction priorities post go-live

Below is a list of the order in which AST will be prioritizing Payments and Procurement transactions:

  1. Any transactions that didn't make the cut
  2. Any transactions that are external to UW
  3. New transactions that are submitted through our new forms on a first come, first served basis

90-day deadline for reimbursement requests now in effect

AST no longer accepts or approved reimbursement request for expenses incurred or travel completed more than 90 days prior to request submission. In order to be reimbursed for expenses that pre-date that 90-day limit, travelers will need to ask for exceptions from their Divisional Dean. Please include the Divisional Dean’s approval (if granted) as an attachment to the intake form.



HR/Payroll transactions that AST can/cannot currently process

As we quickly approach cutover to the new financial system, we have now reached the point where we are hitting various blackouts and deadlines on the HR/Payroll front. Due to ISC, OAP, and central HR deadlines, we can no longer process certain HR/Payroll transactions and can no longer guarantee completion of others. Please view the table below to see where AST stands as of right now.



Category 1: Items that we can no longer process

  1. Staff position creation

  2. Staff hires (temporary or permanent)

    1. Note that if you have open recruitments, you should be able to finish those up in UW Hires

Category 2: items that we cannot guarantee will complete before cutover

  1. Faculty hires

  2. Student hires

  3. Reappointments (student, faculty, and staff)

  4. Compensation changes (including allowances, one time payments, etc.)

  5. FTE changes

  6. Terminations

Category 3: Items that we can still process

  1. Costing allocations

  2. Salary transfers

  3. Summer hiatus requests

  4. Cyclic leave requests

  5. Entering and/or correcting time & absence


Attention AST HR/Payroll units: Starting today, June 20, AST will no longer accept tickets for items from Category 1. You are still able to submit tickets that fall into Category 2, but we will be processing these in the order that they are received and we cannot guarantee that they will be fully complete prior to cutover. Category 3 requests will be accepted through Thursday, June 22. After June 22, all tickets will be held until after cutover.

AST requests that your units hold off on submitting any new HR/Payroll transaction requests that are effective July 1 or later until our updated HR/Payroll forms launch on June 26.

If you have any questions or concerns about these timelines or emergency requests, please do not reach out to the AST HR/Payroll staff. Instead, please reach out to Ivy (ivym@uw.edu or 206-221-8026). Our staff are in the midst of a heroic push to the finish line on these items and we would like to preserve their bandwidth.

Thank you all for your support and partnership as we make this transition. It’s been a long and bumpy road, but we’re nearly there.


!DecorationOnly!AST will be out of office between June 30 through July 4

We will return to business as usual on July 5. If you have any inquiries that require our immediate attention, please contact us ASAP before AST goes out of office during this period. Otherwise, we will respond to your inquiries upon our return for go-live.

!DecorationOnly!As always, please contact any of us or email teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

Administrative Support Team 

Last Updated: Friday, November 03, 2023