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FDM Translator User Guide

Here is a Foundation Data Model (FDM) Translator step by step guide to capturing your department's budget-to-cost center hierarchy. 

  1. In the BI Portal homepage, search 'FIN Org to FDM Translator' (UW NetID log in required) and select the 'Run dashboard' button. You will see the entire University of Washington’s Budget-to-Cost Center Data crosswalk. 
    1. Screenshot of the 'FIN Org to FDM Translator' tool in BI Portal
  2. In the Filter by FAS Terms' 'Org Dean Level' filter dropdown menu, uncheck All box, and check only '254, COLL ARTS & SCIENCES.' Select 'Apply'. 
    1. Highlighted on the 'Filter by FAS Terms' menu is the 'Org Dean Level' dropdown menu, with the 'All' and '254, COLL ARTS & SCIENCE' options highlighted
  3. To find your specific department, use the filter 'Org Dept Level'. Uncheck the 'All' box, then select your department and click 'Apply'. In this example we are using '2540785, LAW SOC&JUSTICE PROG'.
    1. Highlighted on the 'Filter by FAS Terms' menu is the 'Org Dean Level' dropdown menu, with the '2540785, LAW SOC&JUSTICE PROG' selected
  4. Next, to download this report, click the 'download' symbol at the upper right side of the webpage (on the top menu ribbon) and select ‘Crosstab’ option from the dropdown.
    1. Circled on the 'FIN Org to FDM Translator" is the 'download' button. In the 'download' dropdown menu options, 'Crosstab' option is highlighted
  5. Select 'CSV' control button, click 'Download'. Once the file is downloaded, it is ready to open. It should open in Excel and is ready to save and rename. 
    1. Pro Tip: Save this copy for your use but pull down a fresh copy weekly to ensure you are looking at current data.
    2. A 'Download Crosstab' popout screen, with the 'CSV' option and 'Download' button highlighted.
  6. Right away, you can see the translation from current-state Budget to Cost Centers Level 5 and 7; required Cost Center, Fund, and Function Worktags, and relevant Resource, Gift, Grant, Stand-Alone, and Program worktags, specific to current-state Budget. 
    1. Excel Tip: Select the Select All buttonSelect Allat the top of the worksheet, to select all columns and rows. Then double-click any boundary (|) and all columns or rows will be resized to fit the data. 
    2. Screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet of all of the budgets and related worktags. In the circle, the 'All' button and '(|)' are highlighted


Last Updated: Tuesday, December 24, 2024