Effort Reporting
AST will pull Workday reports to ensure reporting is completed for each grant and work with both the unit and central offices to ensure any issues are resolved. If an adjustment to the effort reporting is needed, we will work with units to ensure this action is completed.
Award Close
As awards close and are reconciled, AST will verify appropriate steps have been taken prior to Grant & Contract Accounting (GCA) performing the final close of the grant. Tasks associated with the award close process are distributed between the unit, AST, and central offices. The following outline details the separation of duties at each of these levels.
Duties of Departments with Grants:
- Proposal and Budget Development
- Effort Certification
- Analysis/Review of Grant Reports/Forecast
- Analysis and Reporting
- Clinical Trial Invoicing
Duties of AST:
- Perform Journal Entries
- Award Closeout Reconciliation
- Effort Reporting Review (both faculty and non-faculty reporting)
Duties of Central Offices:
- Pre-Award Administration
- Post Award Set-up
- Manage Sponsored Program Spend and Billing
- Manage Sponsored Program Reporting and Compliance
Back to TopAST's Responsibilities
Effort Reporting
For both Faculty Effort Reporting and Non-Faculty Effort Reporting:
- Ensure certifications are completed in a timely manner
- If re-certifications occur, ensure proper documentation regarding the circumstances and cause of re-certification is in place.
- Review for any salary transfers on certified effort reporting.
- Ensure committed cost share and effort is accounted for and certified.
- Ensure online salary expense transfers (OSETs) are properly documented per GIM 15
- If K award, ensure PI has at least 75% effort for the period, and cost share requirements are met
Closeout of Award
- Coordinate with department to ensure closeout requirements are met.
- Review award terms and conditions for final documentation requirements and deadlines and incorporate into checklist
- Review award expenditures and ensure allowability
- Ensure allowable project costs have posted to the grant, including any subaward invoices
- Ensure open balances and encumbrances are cleared
- Ensure all reoccurring recharges have, or will, cease at or before award end date
- Track status of final progress report and/or proof of submission for when it is sent to closeout.uw.edu.
As applicable:
- Ensure cost share commitments are met and posted, interim cost share reports if gap in effort reporting cycle and the program income is spent in full.
- Work with department to report Intellectual Property to UW CoMotion
- Review and confirm equipment inventory and any related journal entries are submitted
- Ensure subaward closeouts occur within the appropriate time period, including closeout of any associated BPOs and confirm final invoices has been received and paid.
Back to TopWorkflow is currently under construction, keep an eye out for website updates via AST’s Newsletter.
Back to TopHow to find effort and project reports in Employee Compensation Compliance (ECC)?
View our steps to running departmental reports to monitor ECC tasks.
What is the AST schedule around closeout reviews?
AST's standard is usually 2-3 weeks prior to final reporting to allow for UW’s Grants & Contact Accounting(GCA)/ Office of Sponsored Programs(OSP) review
How to locate the journal lines?
In Workday search Find Journal Lines, this will open the report parameters. Input the following fields:
- Company: Input UW1861
- Year: Select FY2024 from dropdown
- Period: Select Period (by month), then select the actual month of the transaction
- Other additional fields, although not required, will be instrumental in narrowing down your search:
- Accounting Date On or After and Accounting Date On or Before: If you have the exact date input in both of these fields or if possible narrow down the time frame.
- Worktags: Input the driver or other identifying worktags. Note: Directly input worktags instead of selecting from the dropdown menu.
- Amount Equal To, Greater Than or Less Than: If possible input the exact transaction amount or the approximate amount. ProTip: Save frequently used parameters by entering a Filter Name, then saving before you run the report.
Select OK to run the report. If the results are unsuccessful you can edit your filter parameters by selecting the change selection button on the upper left side of the screen. After you have located the desired transaction, hover your mouse over the magnifying glass and an "..."/ twinkie will appear on the right side of the magnifying glass. Select the "..." to open the Actions sub-menu, there you will see the journal information. By selecting the magnifying glass will open to the journal with all identifying information. Note: You are able to download this report or journal as a excel file or pdf.
ProTip: We recommend saving a department copy of journals after running reports or reconciling, or completing transactions, to refer to when needed later on.
Don't see your question? Please fill out our General Inquiry form and keep an eye out for website updates via AST's Newsletter.
Last Updated: Friday, December 13, 2024