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May 2024 Special Edition - Are you ready for fiscal year end close? Follow our deadlines checklist!

Note: This page has been archived as of March 6, 2025.

May 2024 Special Edition Newsletter Content Overview

  • General
    • Update your ProCard Approval Filters in Workday
    • Upcoming Payments and Procurement Deadlines Checklist


Update your ProCard Approval Filters in Workday

IMPORTANT! If you currently hold a Cost Center Manager or Grant Manager security role in Workday, please check your Workday inbox daily as we get closer to the following AST and Procurement deadlines. All Workday Procurement business processes need to be fully approved before the Procurement deadlines to ensure the transactions get posted to the current fiscal year (FY2024).

We highly encourage going through your Workday inbox filters and making sure they are all up-to-date:

Note: AST recommends adding both Cost Center Manager AND Grant Manager to your ProCard approval filter to ensure you are capturing ALL transactions awaiting your approval as funding manager. Depending on which worktags are used for ProCard transactions, these transactions can route to either the Cost Center Manager or Grant Manager for funding approval.

Dubs thinking about "AST Pay/Pro Deadlines"

Upcoming Payments and Procurement Deadlines Checklist

Here is a quick and easy checklist of upcoming Payments and Procurement deadlines. These dates reflect when AST needs to receive requests to guarantee our team has enough time to process them, gather any additional information needed, and approve the transactions before central Procurement deadlines.



May 20 at 5:00 PM

  1. Guest Payments for Foreign Nationals (Procurement deadline: June 3)
    1. Note: This is separate from the domestic Guest Payments deadline (which has an AST deadline of June 3).

May 23 at 5:00 PM

  1. Non-catalog orders (Procurement deadline: June 1)
    1. Note: Suppliers must be registered prior to placing an order.

May 28 at 5:00 PM

  1. Travel and Purchase reimbursements for Guests (MPs) and UW employees (ERs) (Procurement deadline: June 17)

June 3 at 5:00 PM

  1. Guest Payments for domestic payees (Procurement deadline: June 17)
  2. Supplier Invoice Requests (Procurement deadline: June 17)
    1. Note: Supplier must be registered prior to placing an order.
  3. Catalog Orders (Procurement deadline: June 10)

June 6 at 5:00 PM

  1. Match Exceptions Non-Receiving (Procurement deadline: June 13)
    1. Exceptions that are not a result of a missing receipt. For example, the invoice exceeds the PO amount.
    2. Note: This AST deadline gives us time to help get exceptions cleared.
  2. Field Advance Spend Downs (Procurement deadline: June 21)

June 17 at 5:00 PM

  1. CTA Verification (this is Procurement’s deadline)
    1. Note: AST only approves on behalf of submitters.

June 21 at 5:00 PM

  1. Invoice Match Exceptions Receiving (Procurement deadline: June 30)
    1. If goods have been physically received, a receipt needs to be created in Workday.
    2. Note: This AST deadline gives us time to help get exceptions cleared.

June 30 at 5:00 PM

  1. ProCard Verifications
    1. Note: AST highly encourages all Cost Center Managers and Grant Managers to make sure their Workday approvals filters are up-to-date. For guidance, please visit our ProCard Approvals in in Workday resource page.
  2. Accounting Adjustments for Procurement Transactions

Stay tuned for additional deadlines in our upcoming May and June newsletters!

!DecorationOnly!As always, please fill out our General Inquiry Form (preferred) or email teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions or concerns. 

Administrative Support Team

Last Updated: Thursday, March 06, 2025