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June 2024 - Ride into summer with these updates!

Note: This page has been archived as of March 6, 2025.

June 2024 Newsletter Content Overview

  1. Accounting and Grants
    1. Issue of Duplicate ‘Correct Entries’ Requests
  2. HR/Payroll
    1. Payroll Account Adjustment (PAA) Submission Deadline is July 3
    2. Costing for Hourly Positions
    3. Costing Allocations for AST Payroll Supporting Units
  3. Payments and Procurement
    1. Requisition Types and Trackable Spend Categories for Equipment
    2. M&E Certificate
    3. BPOs and Ariba
    4. ProCard Workday Reports, Inbox Filters, and Remaining FY2024 Deadlines



Issue of Duplicate ‘Correct Entries’ Requests

We are starting to see units submit requests for correcting entries that have already been corrected. This results in a duplicate entry, which creates the need to correct the correction; no fun for anyone. It is important for units to have a process in places to validate a correction need. Prior to submitting a request to correct a transaction, please complete the following steps:

  1. Run R1300.5 Actuals with Encumbrance Balance for Unit Reporting
  2. Identify the ledger account line via the “Ledger Account Hierarchy”. You can drill down at the ‘total line’ or by however you have sliced the data (e.g., by resource worktag).
  3. Filter by ‘Journal Source’ and then sort for ‘Accounting adjustment’, ‘Shared Environment Reclass’ and ‘Reclass’ (depending upon the correction, one of these attributes will be used). Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) can also be identified using this method.
  4. Review executed correcting entries to check to see if the correction has already been completed.

We are also seeing duplicated correcting entry requests in UW Connect. In other words, a correcting entry request is submitted, and then we receive a second one for the same correction. Please track requests through your “My Requests” dashboard so that duplicate requests are not submitted. 


AST Payroll Accounting Adjustment Submissions are due July 3

Payroll Account Adjustment (PAA) Submission Deadline is July 3

The deadline to submit all Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) for Fiscal Year 2024 to AST is July 3 by 5:00 PM. Requests submitted after this deadline are not guaranteed to post in FY2024.

Costing for Hourly Positions

Are your hourly employees struggling to accurately enter all necessary costing details when they submit hours? We have a solution! You can create a program tag that drives all the other costing details – then your hourly employees only need to enter the program tag.

To create a new program tag, please download the excel template from the UW Connect Finance Worktag Template job aid and email the completed template to Robert Young at ryng@uw.edu. Once Robert has verified that all the required information is included, he will submit the Foundation Data Model (FDM) Data Element Management Request on your behalf.

Emailing the Worktag Template file directly to Robert is the fastest way to get your new tags requested. Do NOT create your own FDM Data Element Request.

Costing Allocations for AST Payroll Supporting Units

!DecorationOnly!AST will remove the costing allocations for faculty members on summer hiatus and staff on cyclic leave in Workday. This should result in more reliable financial data and expenditure tracking for departments, as salary costs will only be encumbered against budgets when employees are actively employed and compensated during that time period.

Additionally, AST will NOT automatically update existing costing allocations to use the “academic” version of the General Operating Fund (GOF) cost center. If you did not account for this change when submitting your summer roster (in cases where it was applicable), please submit a request through our Costing Allocation form to update your costing allocation information. This change will mainly impact staff working over the summer months.

The staff roster for the fall semester will include more details regarding costing allocations for the upcoming 2025 fiscal year.



Requisition Types and Trackable Spend Categories for Equipment

The Equipment Inventory Office (EIO) recently shared with us a list of Spend Categories for trackable equipment. Check out the ​xlsx icon Spend categories from EIO list!

We’ve also received the following guidance on Requisition Types and when to use them:

  • Goods and Services: For use when all items on the requisition are under $5000.*
  • Capital Asset Request: For use when at least one (1) item on the requisition is over $5000.*
  • Multiple-Component Capital Asset Request: Use when there is an asset over $5000 on the requisition that takes 2 or more line items to make it.
  • Blanket Request: Generally for use for all of the above. This specific requisition type is also the only one to use for ordering Tango Gift Cards.
  • Construction-Capital Projects: Self-explanatory.

*Note: Capital asset requests and multi-component capital asset requests can also have items under $5000 on the order. It will generate an alert that you’ve chosen a capital asset have items under $5000 and it will tell you to change the spend category or requisition type. As long as you have an item over $5000 with a trackable spend category on the requisition, you can disregard the alert. We recommend adding a note in the comments section to indicate why this alert is not applicable.

M&E Certificate

Are you purchasing research equipment which qualities for sales tax exemption? Be sure to secure this determination and obtain the M&E certificate prior to submitting the requisition request to AST. Please see EIO’s resources to learn more about the process.

BPOs and Ariba

This is a friendly reminder to check that your unit’s BPOs from Ariba have been recreated in Workday. BPOs created in Ariba did not automatically transfer at Workday conversion in July 2023; only BPOs tied to a sponsored grant were moved by GCA. Action should be taken if:

  1. The end date of the Ariba BPO is in the future
  2. Line items have balances to be spent
  3. Your unit has a need to order goods/services from this BPO

To get your vendors paid, all of the following actions must be done: A Workday PO needs to be created, invoices need to be sent to GHX, and a receipt for these invoices need to be created in Workday. If you have any stragglers, simply submit a request through AST’s Purchasing and Accounts Payable form with pertinent details so that we can create a new PO in Workday.

ProCard Workday Reports, Inbox Filters, and Remaining FY2024 Deadlines

We are in the final stretch for FY2024 posting deadlines! As your units continue to reconcile and approve ProCard transactions, we highly encourage you to run one or more of these recommended reports (provided by ProCard Office):

  • R1438: Run to find the transactions you need to verify by cardholder
  • R1439: Run to find transactions in any status, or you can run it for a specific status (e.g., Paid, Pending, etc.)
  • R0552: For identifying all transactions in flight by a cardholder (and can only be run if you are a cardholder and only for your transactions)
  • R1523: Run to identify where in the business process a transaction is pending (In Progress)
  • R1354: Procurement Card Transaction Lines by Department

The other resource we have is Workday filters for your Workday “My Tasks” inbox. These are very powerful and will help you see what you need to see, while ignoring the “noise” of the inbox which has the entire university’s items. If you set up your Workday inbox filter between July 2023 and early 2024, we highly encourage you to revisit your filters and update them using our guidance. Transactions may not be making their way into your current Workday inbox filters if they are outdated (e.g., if you set up your ProCard approval filter to search by cost center hierarchy instead of searching by cardholders or security roles).



June 21 at 5:00 PM

  1. [MOVED UP] Accounting Adjustments for Procurement Transactions (Procurement deadline: June 30)
    1. Note: This AST deadline has been moved up (formerly June 30) so that our team has sufficient time to process these requests.
  2. Invoice Match Exceptions Receiving (Procurement deadline: June 30)
    1. If goods have been physically received, a receipt needs to be created in Workday.
    2. Note: This AST deadline gives us time to help get exceptions cleared.

June 30 at 5:00 PM

  1. ProCard Verifications
    1. Note: AST highly encourages all Cost Center Managers and Grant Managers to make sure their Workday approvals filters are up-to-date. For guidance, please visit our ProCard Approvals in in Workday resource page.

!DecorationOnly!As always, please fill out our General Inquiry Form (preferred) or email teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions or concerns. 

Administrative Support Team

Last Updated: Thursday, March 06, 2025