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November 2024 - Rain or shine, with these updates you'll be fine!

Note: This page has been archived as of March 6, 2025.


November 2024 Newsletter Content Overview

  • General
    • November Administrator’s Meeting Recording Now Available
  • Accounting and Grants
    • Deadline for effort and project reporting: December 6, 2024
    • Month End Close Reminder for November
  • Payments and Procurement
    • AST Pay/Pro Monthly Onboarding Sessions
  • HR/Payroll
    • 2024 Overpayment Deadlines
    • End of Year Cleanup
    • Work Study Costing Allocations
    • Information Regarding Recording of Faculty Meetings
    • Winter I-9 Drop-In Schedule and Other Winter Updates



November Administrator's Meeting Recording Now Available

The November Administrator’s Meeting zoom recording is now available! If you were not able to join us earlier this month, be sure to review the recording to catch up on the following topics:

  1. We launched the Administrator Onboarding Guide, which lives in the new Onboarding HUB. Feel free to reference, adapt, and share this content with your staff.
  2. Overtime exemption threshold changes are coming. Review which employees are impacted by the new thresholds, how to manage overtime, and how to avoid overtime within your units.



Deadline for effort and project reporting: December 6, 2024

The deadline for the first round of effort and project reporting in the new ECC system is quickly approaching us on December 6, 2024. The College has some work to do, so please prioritize this task.

The steps for this process are as follows:

  1. Ensure all Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) for each grant are complete
  2. ECC Coordinators complete the pre-review in ECC
  3. Once pre-review is completed, the statement is ready to be certified by the PI

Here is the status of effort and project reporting within CAS as of November 18, 2024:




Certified – great job!



Re-opened for more work (PAR)



Currently with PI









Need help?

Month End Close Reminder for November 

Month end close will be earlier than typical for this November. The last day of November falls on a Saturday and we have holidays on Thursday and Friday prior. So, prior to signing off to join your family and friends for Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day, please make sure all approvals are completed for pending transactions, especially for accounting journal entries and accounts receivable.



AST Pay/Pro Monthly Onboarding Sessions

Our Pay/Pro monthly Fiscal Staff Onboarding sessions are back in session! We continue to share a general overview of policies and procedures about Pay/Pro transactions ranging from purchasing to travel. Whether you are a new staff member in the fiscal space or just want a refresher, we encourage you and your colleagues to join us!

In the upcoming new year, the Pay/Pro team wants to take these Onboarding Sessions to the next level. We would like to know your burning questions so that we can create live training sessions and answer any questions you might have.

  • Would you like to know how to order from the UW Academic Catalogue: GHX?
  • Would you like to know how to proceed with an invoice over the 10k Buy Limit?
  • Would you like to know more about Travel Policy or Field Advances?

Have any other specific questions or topics that you would like us to cover? Let us know your ideas via our General Inquiry form or by emailing teamcas@uw.edu, and we will work towards future presentations, trainings, and more in-depth analysis of business processes in Workday.

Don’t forget to join and check out the CAS Finance & Administration Teams channel for any updates on Pay/Pro onboarding sessions, especially during the upcoming holiday season.



2024 Overpayment Deadlines

Now is the time to check your records to determine if there are any outstanding overpayment requests in your unit that need to be submitted and processed in advance of the calendar year-end.

Overpayment requests for the 2024 calendar year, and all required documentation, must be received in the Payroll Office by December 10, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. This will ensure that overpayments are processed at the correct tax rate. Forms not received by this date may be subject to higher federal taxes per IRS Federal Tax regulations.

AST Payroll-supported units: To ensure compliance with this timeline, AST asks that any overpayment request made through our office be submitted no later than December 4, 2024, at 4:00 p.m. Any requests not received by that time may not be completed in advance of the due date.

Keep in mind that any Workday actions (e.g., FTE changes, timesheet adjustments, etc.) necessitating the overpayment request must be completed in Workday before the overpayment request is submitted. Here is a step-by-step illustration of the overpayment workflow:

Overpayment Request Flow Chart (for AST Payroll Units only)

For additional information, please review the Year End Payroll and Tax deadlines. Please contact teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions regarding the overpayment process.

End of Year Cleanup

The College has a number of academic data issues that need to be corrected in Workday. We encourage you to take some time to run the following audit reports in Workday and process any necessary changes. If you have questions on how to properly correct some of these items, please reach out to Susan Miller (susanh82@uw.edu) or Ivy Mason Sharrah (ivym@uw.edu) for guidance.

  • Academic Personnel Census Academic Appointment Audit R0716.1: This report identifies issues related to end dates (invalid or expired), roster values, appointing units, missing primary appointments, and missing positions.
  • Academic Personnel Census Position Issues R0716.2: This report identifies issues related to end dates (invalid or expired), missing academic appointments, or discrepancies between the job profile and primary academic rank.
  • Academic FTE/Roster Percent/Tenure Value Audit R707: This report identifies academic personnel who may have an incorrect FTE, roster, or tenure value.

AST Payroll-supported units: It is your responsibility to run the reports mentioned above, identify the issues, and make decisions regarding next steps. Once those next steps have been identified, please submit the appropriate ticket(s) to AST so that we can enter these requests in Workday.

Note: Appointments and positions cannot be left to linger in Workday after the end date has passed – these folks need to be reappointed, terminated, or moved to a more appropriate title.


Work Study Costing Allocations 

The UW Work Study Office has recently clarified information regarding costing allocation splits for Work Study student employees. Please review the following best practices for entering costing allocations for Work Study student employees within the College of Arts & Sciences.

As previously communicated, costing allocations at the Earning level for Work Study student employees should be entered with a 60% Work Study, 40% department split. The driver worktags for the Work Study portion are as follows:

  • Work Study Federal (WSF) Driver Worktag
    • PG107883 Enterprise Finance Operations | Federal Work Study Program
    • Note: Majority of on-campus Work Study positions will be under federal funding.
  • Work Study State (WSS) Driver Worktag
    • Changes each fiscal year and can be obtained from the Work Study office (workstdy@uw.edu) if needed.

In addition to the Earning level, a second costing allocation should be added for Work Study student employees at the Worker Position level with 100% allocated to your department worktags. This ensures that worktags are in place for any earnings that fall outside of Work Study (e.g., overtime).

State funded Work Study positions only: Work Study covers 60% of used paid sick time off for employees in the state funded program. This must be captured by adding a third costing allocation specifically for earning S/L-Paid Sick Leave using the same 60% Work Study, 40% department split.

So, what do your units need to do?

  • AST Payroll-supported units: All costing allocations for Work Study student employees in AST units have been reviewed and updated using the above-listed best practices. No action is required at the moment.
  • Non AST Payroll-supported units: Review costing allocations for Work Study student employees and make updates as needed.

Information Regarding Recording of Faculty Meetings

Prior to a faculty meeting, kindly review APS 1.5 to determine whether the meeting is subject to Washington’s Open Public Meetings Act (OPMA). If you have questions regarding whether or not a meeting is subject to OPMA, please reach out to the UW’s Public Records and Open Meetings experts at pubrec@uw.edu.

For meetings that are subject to OPMA, recording of the public portion of the meeting generally cannot be prohibited unless the recording is done in a disruptive manner. However, audio recording can be prohibited during executive sessions. Here are some potential talking points you might consider using in this scenario:

  • “We are now entering executive session to [purpose of the session can be described in generic terms, e.g. “to evaluate a candidate for employment/promotion.”]. This portion of the meeting is closed and no audio recording is permitted.”
  • “During executive sessions where we discuss confidential personnel matters, Washington law requires all parties to consent to any recording of private conversations. Recording these closed sessions without everyone’s consent would violate state law.”
  • “The executive session will last approximately [X] minutes. We will resume our open session as [specific time].”

For private meetings that are not subject to OPMA, audio recording requires consent of all participants under the Washington law. Here are some potential talking points you might consider using in this scenario:

  • “Welcome everyone. Please note that audio recording of these meetings requires the consent of all participants.”
  • “Any recording without everyone’s consent would violate Washington law.”
  • “If you wish to record the meeting, please make your request known to all participants.”

Dubs wearing a beanie and scarf while holding I-9 documents, and saying "I'm ready for winter I-9 drop-in hours!"

Winter I-9 Drop-In Schedule and Other Winder Updates

Winter is coming… and so are our I-9 drop-in hours! Our I-9 team will be hosting in-person I-9 drop-in hours for winter quarter from January 6-10, 2025, in AST’s Office, Communications Building B042 (located on the basement level). Please view the attached Winter 2025 I-9 drop-in calendar (PDF) for the full schedule and share it with your new hires.

In preparation for winter, we have two additional updates and reminders to share:

  1. AST will not be available for in-person I-9 appointments from December 23, 2024, through January 2, 2025, due to winter break closure.* Please encourage your new hire to either schedule appointments before winter break or attend our winter I-9 drop-in hours.
    1. *Note: We will still be online to answer questions during this period.
  2. Stipend recipients are required to complete the Form I-9 verification, as per UWHR’s Form I-9 policy. Please communicate this requirement to your stipend recipients, as we’ve noticed a trend with these folks disregarding this important part of the onboarding process.

Finally, we encourage you to continue sharing the I-9 Journey Map and I-9 Appointment Scheduling Link with your new hires.

Please contact teamcas-i9@uw.edu if you or your new hires have any questions.

!DecorationOnly!As always, please fill out our General Inquiry Form (preferred) or email teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

Administrative Support Team

Last Updated: Thursday, March 06, 2025