Note: This page has been archived as of March 6, 2025.
May 2024 Newsletter Content Overview
- General
- Issue with UW Connect tickets accidentally resolving
- Help! Why am I running into these errors while reconciling my ProCard?
- Help Team
- Check out our website changes and Nano Learning series!
- Notice regarding back-up funding managers and Workday inbox filters
- Grants and Accounting
- Grant close and effort reporting
- Payments and Procurement
- REMINDER: AST Payments and Procurement Deadlines for FY2024
- HR/Payroll
- Summer Rosters are due May 22
- I-9 drop-in hours will resume in autumn quarter 2024
- Payroll Accounting Adjustment Form Update: Excel Template Now Available
- Foreign National Services
- Don't forget to submit visa and permanent resident requests for new hires!
Issue with UW Connect tickets accidentally resolving
It has recently been brought to our attention that there is a new UW Connect feature in My Requests where callers can now resolve their own ticket request using the new “Click to Resolve” button. This has led to sticky situations where tickets have been accidentally resolved by callers without AST knowing, resulting in delays in processing your requests.
For best practice and to avoid ticket confusion between AST and units, please leave a message in the ticket you want to close before using the “Click to Resolve” button so that AST knows no further action is needed. Alternatively, you can let AST know to close the ticket on your behalf.
Please contact if there is a ticket you may have accidentally resolved when it shouldn’t have been, and our team will investigate.
Help! Why am I running into these errors while reconciling my ProCard?
As we get closer to fiscal year-end close (June 30), AST has been closely monitoring ProCard transactions that either haven’t been reconciled yet by the cardholder or are still in-progress awaiting approval from funding managers. Cardholders, be sure to review the How to Manage Procard in Workday job aid, and check out our Create ProCard Transactions nano learning video.
To assist with ProCard reconciliations, we’ve compiled common errors and alerts that we’ve seen cardholders run into while reconciling transactions, as well as solutions that have helped units trouble-shoot these errors. If your cardholders are running into any additional errors or alerts that aren’t listed and need additional assistance, feel free to contact us at
IMPORTANT NOTE: A good rule of thumb for Workday messages is that "errors" ARE a hard stop, but "alerts" are NOT a hard stop.
Common ProCard reconciliation error and alert messages |
Why are these error and alerts showing up? How do I get rid of them? |
Page Error:
Page Error:
Page Error:
Page Alert:
Note: This is NOT a hard stop and will always be present if your purchase is tax-exempt. |
If you having difficulties viewing the above "Common ProCard reconciliation error and alert messages" table, please view this Word document instead.
Check out our website changes and Nano Learning series!
AST’s website has received a new coat of paint! We’ve updated all the sub-icon visuals on our Services pages to add color and help your units visually understand the services AST provide.
Be sure to also check out our Nano Learning resource page if you haven’t done so already! We now have CTA nano learning videos for airfare and lodging, and a video for ProCard transactions. To ensure that your unit is prepared for fiscal year-end close, we highly recommend sharing these nano learnings with your unit’s cardholders and transaction approvers.
Have any ideas of nano learnings that you’d like to see from our team? Send us your ideas by emailing!
Notice regarding back-up funding managers and Workday inbox filters
If you haven’t heard already, fiscal year-end close is fast approaching us on June 30. Your units should be proactive in approving Workday transactions on a regular basis to avoid being overwhelmed in June.
Here are two actionable items that you and your teams can do right now:
- Review the roles assigned to each of your cost centers and grants.
- Transactions are getting stalled in the approval flow when there is no back-up Cost Center Manager or back-up Grant Manager. This applies to ProCard approvals, Miscellaneous Payment approvals (MPs), Expense Reports (ERs), and so forth.
- To avoid this conundrum, please review the roles assigned to each of your cost centers and grants. If you see only one funding manager, request back-up funding managers through our Security Role Request and Delegation form.
- Update your Workday inbox approval filters.
- AST has noticed a trend in units not having Workday inbox filters set-up appropriately, which in turn delays transactions getting approved in a timely manner. To prevent delays, we highly recommend revisiting your Workday inbox filters and seeing if they are set-up appropriately.
- For Workday inbox filter guidance, check out our Workday Inbox Filter FAQs.
- For ProCard approval filter guidance, check out our ProCard Approvals in Workday resource page.
- Note: AST recommends adding both Cost Center Manager AND Grant Manager to your ProCard approval filter to ensure you are capturing ALL transactions awaiting your approval as funding manager.
Reminder that all Workday Procurement business processes need to be fully approved before the Procurement deadlines to ensure the transactions get posted to the current fiscal year (FY2024).
Grant close and effort reporting
Do you have a grant that is about to close and have questions about the associated effort reporting? As we all know, the ECC function is not yet up and running.
What can you do? Run your Earnings and Actuals – Prompt for Worker R0100.2 and review the associated pay periods and costing allocations. If costs are not as expected, a payroll account adjustment (PAA) will be needed prior to the grant closing. This doesn’t resolve the effort reporting part of the puzzle, but it does validate the costs on the grant and demonstrates adjusting expenses in a timely manner.
Note: The Earnings and Actuals R0100.2 report only shows the original point-in-time for each pay period – any PAAs completed for an employee will NOT show up in this report. If you want to check is a PAA has been completed for an employee’s pay period, you can locate these completed PAAs in the employee’s Worker History.
REMINDER: AST Payments and Procurement Deadlines for FY2024
As we shared last week, here is a quick and easy checklist of upcoming Payments and Procurement for fiscal year end close. These dates reflect when AST needs to receive requests to guarantee our team has enough time to process them, gather any additional information needed, and approve transactions before central Procurement deadlines in order for these transactions to post in FY2024.
May 23 at 5:00 PM |
May 28 at 5:00 PM |
June 3 at 5:00 PM |
June 6 at 5:00 PM |
June 17 at 5:00 PM |
June 21 at 5:00 PM |
June 30 at 5:00 PM |
Summer Rosters are due May 22
Reminder that Summer Roster Reports are due to AST tomorrow, May 22 at 5:00 P.M.
I-9 drop-in hours will resume in autumn quarter 2024
Thank you for your assistance this 2023-2024 academic year in spreading the word about our autumn, winter, and spring I-9 drop-in hours! We will resume drop-in hours this upcoming autumn quarter 2024 where we expect a large influx of new hires for the next upcoming academic year.
Our team will continue to send out I-9 reminders to new hires on a rolling basis. In the meantime, please have your new hires schedule an I-9 verification appointment with our team through our Calendly I-9 appointment scheduler as soon as possible. The I-9 verification process must be completed within 3 business days of their hire start date to comply with the USCIS deadline.
Payroll Accounting Adjustment Form Update: Excel Template Now Available
When AST launched the Payroll Accounting Adjustment (PAA) intake form on our website, we included the option to enter all information on the website, or to upload a spreadsheet with all pertinent information. The “Upload Spreadsheet” option has been especially popular for many units, particularly when requesting PAAs for multiple employees.
To expedite the processing of these uploaded spreadsheet requests, we have added an Excel template to the PAA intake form. If you opt to submit costing information via spreadsheet, please use this provided template exclusively, as it includes fields for all the information we will need to process these requests on your behalf with fewer delays. Please email Jim Ballew ( with any questions.
Don't forget to submit visa and permanent resident requests for new hires!
As this year’s hiring cycle wraps up, we want to share a gentle reminder to submit requests for any foreign national hires that will require visa sponsorship as soon as possible. This is particularly important for those titles eligible for permanent residency, since that process has a strict deadline beginning from the date of the first offer. Note that this applies to hires with deferred start dates, as well.
Please feel free to reach out to the FNS team via with any questions about new hires and visa sponsorship.
As always, please fill out our General Inquiry Form (preferred) or email if you have any questions or concerns.
Administrative Support Team
Last Updated: Thursday, March 06, 2025