Horizon/skyline from UW Seattle Campus

December 2024 - Winter is coming... it's snow-time!

Note: This page has been archived as of March 6, 2025.

Dubs sledding down a snowy hill

December 2024 Newsletter Content Overview

  • General
    • Check out the Adaptive Planning Manual
  • Help Team
    • “Sent Back” Workday Filter
  • Accounting and Grants
    • Reports for ECC status
    • Deadline for Effort and Project reporting: Extended to January 10, 2025
    • EIB formatting
  • Payments and Procurement
    • Expense Report reimbursements vs. Payroll deposits
    • Foreign Nationals Deadline for Miscellaneous Payments: December 18, 2024
  • HR/Payroll
    • HR/Payroll form updates
    • Winter I-9 drop-in hours are beginning soon
  • Foreign National Services
    • Reimbursements for Postdoc visa fees
    • ISO visa fee update for 2025
  • AST Update
    • AST’s merry band has grown!



Check out the Adaptive Planning Manual

Calling all Adaptive Planners: as you dive into preparing your Adaptive plan, be sure to check out the new Adaptive Planning Manual! Published by Sue Barnhart and Robert Young, this is a comprehensive guide to planning and entering your FY26-FY30 Adaptive Financial Plan (AKA – your budget). You can find this resource posted to the CAS Workday Adaptive Planning channel in the Finance & Administration Teams or in the Administrator Onboarding Hub’s CAS Adaptive Planning page.

Have any questions? Consult the “Who to direct questions to” section on page 16 of the manual to determine which subject matter expert to contact for help.

Happy planning!


A laptop with Workday-labelled emails flying out of the screen.

"Sent Back" Workday Filter

Having trouble finding the transactions you initiated in Workday that were sent back to your inbox for corrections? Look no further! Here are the steps you can follow to set up a filter that will find those “sent back” transactions:

  1. Type in the Workday search bar Create My Tasks Filter
  2. Description: Sent Back
  3. Under View Definition, select For All Business Processes
  4. Add (+) Condition, and input the following values:
    1. And/Or: And
    2. Source External Field: Sent Back or Withdrawn
    3. Relational Operator: is not blank
    4. Comparison Type: Value specified in this filter
  5. Add (+) a second Condition, and input the following values:
    1. And/Or: And
    2. Source External Field: Initiating Worker 
    3. Relational Operator: exact match with the selection list
    4. Comparison Type: Value specified in this filter
    5. Comparison Value: [Your name as listed in Workday]

Please view the following image for a visual of how the ‘Conditions’ should be set up.

A visual of the sent back directions applied.

Be sure to check out our Workday Inbox Filter FAQs for other Workday inbox guidance.



Reports for ECC status

Are you an administrator or grant fiscal staff and need to monitor the status of effort and project reporting in ECC? We have created a guide on how to run reports in ECC for both Effort reporting and Project reporting. Check it out!

As we continue to receive more guidance, we will pass the information along. We hope these queries will give you the information needed to track and guide PIs who have effort and project reports to certify.

Deadline for Effort and Project reporting: Extended to January 10, 2025

The deadline for the first round of Effort and Project reporting in the new ECC system has been extended, which gives the College an opportunity to finish this important compliance task. The College has some work to do, so please prioritize this task.

The extended deadline of January 10, 2025, is for completion of ALL of the following steps of this process:

  1. Ensure all Payroll Accounting Adjustments (PAAs) for each grant are complete.
  2. ECC Coordinators complete the pre-review in ECC.
  3. Once pre-review is completed, the statement is ready to be certified by the PI.
  4. PI certifies the effort and/ project statements.

Here is the status of effort and project reporting within CAS as of December 17, 2024:







With PI for Certification



Re-opened for more work (PAR)



Certified -- great job!






Need help?

EIB formatting

Submitting correcting entries on transactions using EIB submission? EIB is a powerful tool for when multiple transactions need adjustments. With power comes responsibility. When inputting data, please be mindful to remove all formatting in the EIB tool so we can process it faster. Any formatting (such as dollar signs, commas, color fonts, etc.) needs to be removed in order to avoid errors.

If you have questions or would like training on using the EIB tool, please contact our Accounting and Grants team via our General Inquiry Form.



Expense Report reimbursements vs. Payroll deposits

Recently, our team has fielded a number of questions from UW employees across the College regarding errors with the direct deposit of their travel and e-reimbursements. Please review and share the following instructions on how to update your payment elections in Workday if you want to receive travel and e-reimbursements through direct deposit:

  1. Log into Workday, and type Payment Elections in the Workday search bar. Select the Payment Elections report option.
    1. Note: A pop-up will appear with the following message: “Additional authentication is required to access privileged information.” This will prompt you to login again with your UW NetID credentials so that you can access your payment elections.
    2. Screenshot of the Workday search bar, with an arrow pointing to the "Payment Elections" report.
  2. Review the Accounts table and verify whether your account(s) are set up properly.
    1. To edit or remove an account, navigate to the far-right Action column of the Accounts table, and click on the corresponding button to get started.
    2. To add an account, navigate to the Add button below the Accounts table.
    3. Screenshot of the "Accounts" table, with an arrow pointing towards the "Add" button below the table to add a new account.
  3. Next, review the Payment Elections table to verify the payment types selected for Payroll Payment and Travel & E-reimbursement. Payment type will either be direct deposit or check.
    1. To update your payment type, click on the Edit button on the far-right Action column. If selecting direct deposit, you can choose which account you wish your payment to be deposited into.
    2. Screenshot of the "Payment Elections" table with arrows pointing to where the "Edit" button is for updating payment types.
  4. Select OK to save and view your changes.

If your payment profile is correct but you are not getting your direct deposit for your travel or e-reimbursements, there is most likely an issue with your bank account itself. If you have confirmed that the account details are correct and there are no issues with your bank, but you are still running into direct deposit issues, it is advisable to use a new account or change your payment options to receive a check.*

*Note: When receiving checks for travel or e-reimbursement, you will also need to ensure that your physical mailing address is updated in Workday.

For additional guidance, please view the Employee Workday Help’s Payment Elections user guide.

Foreign Nationals Deadline for Miscellaneous Payments: December 18, 2024

Every December, central Procurement pauses processing Miscellaneous Payments for Foreign Nationals with service performed in the U.S. to ensure all pending payments are processed and the year-end 1042-S tax reporting requirements are met. AST will continue submitting all completed Miscellaneous Payments up until the Procurement deadline of December 18, 2024.

Any requests received this week will most likely not be completed by the Wednesday deadline. AST will continue preparing these requests for submission and submit the completed ones to be processed by Procurement in January 2025.


    Laptop with a screen that says "HR/Payroll Forms" with a status of "Update complete"

    HR/Payroll form updates

    We’ve updated some of our HR/Payroll forms to further improve usability and obtain additional information to reduce back-and-forth. Please review the following form updates:

    • Hire/Create New Position form
      • Included newly required Workday requisition fields, as well as additional information for Work Study hires.
    • Costing Allocation form
      • A new bulk upload template is now available to use! Select the “Request Costing Allocations for Multiple Employees” option in the form to get started.

    Please contact teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions.

    Dubs in winter gear holding I-9 documents and saying, "I'm ready for winter I-9 drop-in hours!"

    Winter I-9 drop-in hours reminder

    Winter is fast approaching! Don’t forget that our winter quarter I-9 drop-in hours will take place from January 6-10, 2025, in Communications Building B042 (located on the basement level). Please view the winter 2025 I-9 drop-in calendar (PDF) for the full schedule and share it with your new hires.

    Some winter reminders to keep in mind:

    1. AST will not be available for in-person I-9 appointments from December 23, 2024, through January 2, 2025, due to winter break closure.
      1. Note: We will still be online to answer questions during this period.
    2. Stipend recipients are required to complete the Form I-9 verification, as per URHW’s Form I-9 policy.

    We encourage you to continue sharing the I-9 Journey Map and I-9 Appointment Scheduling Link with your new hires.

    Please contact teamcas-i9@uw.edu if you or your new hires have any questions.



    Reimbursements for Postdoc visa fees

    Per the UAW 4121 Postdoctoral Scholars contract, departments are obligated to reimburse the following foreign national visa fees:

    • J-1 SEVIS fee (I-901)
    • F-1 OPT I-765 filing fee

    Please ensure that these reimbursements for eligible Postdocs are processed in a timely manner. Consult ISO’s Visa Fees page for further information. Please contact ISO (acadvisa@uw.edu) or AST (teamcas@uw.edu) with any questions.

    ISO visa fee update for 2025

    New year, new fees! The following changes to ISO fees take effect starting January 1, 2025:

    • Visa request fees for J-1s, H-1Bs, TNs, and E-3s will increase to $580 (from $562)
    • Amendment fees for J-1 documents (DS-2019s) will increase to $107 (from $105)
    • O-1 and EB-1B hourly visa case management fees will decrease to $117 (from $140)

    Visa requests that are conditionally approved on or after January 1, 2025, will be charged the new rate. These increases will appear on invoices issued on or after January 2, 2025.

    Please note that all fees associated with H-1B, TN, E-3, and O-1/EB-1B petitions, including the $580 visa request fee, are paid by the host department and cannot be passed on to the international scholar.

    For J-1 scholars who are not members of the UAW Postdoctoral Scholars Local 4121, as well as all J-2 dependents, reimbursement may be requested by the department from scholars for the $580 visa request fee and $107 J-1 amendment fee. The UAW 4121 2023-25 contract prevents units from requesting reimbursement for J-1 visa fees from postdoctoral scholars.

    These fees will apply through June 30, 2025; units should expect that fee rates will change again effective July 1, 2025. For more information on visa processing fees and U.S. government visa fees, see the ISO’s Visa Fees page. Contact ISO (acadvisa@uw.edu) or AST (teamcas@uw.edu) with any questions you have regarding this announcement.


    A group of people walking up the stairs towards a door that is labelled "2025"

    AST's merry band has grown!

    Since we last wrote…

    • Maureen Lowery joined AST this November and will be splitting her time supporting Foreign National visa processing with Jack Hamrick and Brandy Lawrence, as well as providing academic support alongside Susan Miller and Ivy Mason-Sharrah.
    • MiKaela Barker and Josh Garcia are joining us on an interim basis to assist our Pay/Pro and HR/Payroll teams respectively while they continue trudging through the avalanche of transaction requests.

    AST also wants to thank everyone for partnering with AST throughout the entirety of 2024. We wouldn’t have made it to where we are without your endless support and cooperation.

    We are looking forward to seeing everyone in the new year. Happy holidays, and warmest wishes to you and your loved ones from all of AST!

    Dubs saying "Happy Holidays!"As always, please fill our our General Inquiry Form (preferred) or email teamcas@uw.edu if you have any questions or concerns.

    Administrative Support Team

    Last Updated: Thursday, March 06, 2025